Week 7 (7/01/24 - 7/05/24)

This week was focused on getting started with my first Course2 autograder. This autograder is for a lab designed around students developing four functions to help make string conversions. The string conversions were converting a word into pig latin and into a simplified text message. Since this is a Course2 autograder, I had to transition to a new coding template and it was a little confusing at first. I had a meeting with one of the Professors and she explained the main differences between Course1 and Course2 autograders and this helped clear my confusion. I was able to finish this autograder this week and moved it to Peer Code review for next week. In this week’s meeting, we went over my research questions and approaches to potentially answering them. It was decided that my research questions were a little broad and that I should make them more specific for next week. Our task for next week is to design an outline for a research paper that has an introduction, motivation, related work, research questions, and methods.

Written on July 1, 2024